Friday, April 9, 2010


So my reason for not posting in a while would be the horrible pain I've been in! Around sometime last week I felt this terrible pain in my mouth. I thought maybe it would go away after i slept it off. The next morning i woke up feeling fine until about 30 minutes of being awake and then OW!!! Oh my gosh I was in so much pain again! It hurt so bad i seriously fell onto the couch! I couldn't take the pain, i had to go see a dentist. My luck, it was on Good Friday and my dentist was closed!
I ended up going to a dentist that had i went to a long time ago. They xray'd my mouth or whatever and asked me where it hurt. My whole left side of my mouth hurt I couldn't name a specific spot! Anyway, he said it was my wisdom teeth. I was so scared of even just the thought of getting my wisdom teeth ripped out! Especially if you say it like that "ripped out".
Long story shortened... I had to wait till monday to see my usual dentist. I made it through the weekend with lots and lots of medication. Well, it turned out i needed a root canal!!! I got it done about two days ago and I'm actaully still in pain. The nurses said I feel completely better after...LIARS!
Hopefully the pain will go away soon! As for now stuck eating anything you really don't have to chew...
A Letter To My Teeth:
Dear Teeth,
I just want to let you know how much I hate you right now! I will never ever forget the pain you put me through! I was so nice to you. Treated you right. And did everything to try and keep you beautiful. And you do this to me! I will never forgive you!!!