Friday, April 9, 2010


So my reason for not posting in a while would be the horrible pain I've been in! Around sometime last week I felt this terrible pain in my mouth. I thought maybe it would go away after i slept it off. The next morning i woke up feeling fine until about 30 minutes of being awake and then OW!!! Oh my gosh I was in so much pain again! It hurt so bad i seriously fell onto the couch! I couldn't take the pain, i had to go see a dentist. My luck, it was on Good Friday and my dentist was closed!
I ended up going to a dentist that had i went to a long time ago. They xray'd my mouth or whatever and asked me where it hurt. My whole left side of my mouth hurt I couldn't name a specific spot! Anyway, he said it was my wisdom teeth. I was so scared of even just the thought of getting my wisdom teeth ripped out! Especially if you say it like that "ripped out".
Long story shortened... I had to wait till monday to see my usual dentist. I made it through the weekend with lots and lots of medication. Well, it turned out i needed a root canal!!! I got it done about two days ago and I'm actaully still in pain. The nurses said I feel completely better after...LIARS!
Hopefully the pain will go away soon! As for now stuck eating anything you really don't have to chew...
A Letter To My Teeth:
Dear Teeth,
I just want to let you know how much I hate you right now! I will never ever forget the pain you put me through! I was so nice to you. Treated you right. And did everything to try and keep you beautiful. And you do this to me! I will never forgive you!!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Something i seriously need! Everynight I go to sleep telling myself I am going to workout tomarrow. I'm going to do something super productive... maybe even start cleaning my room (one of the messiest things on Earth!) I get so excited thinking about all of the things that I'm going to do the next day that I almost can't sleep. And then the next day comes and i find myself exaughsted saying "I'll do it in a couple of hours". And before I know it my day is over! Lately i have been doing a bit more :). But I wish i was just a lot more motivated during the ady for these things.
Oh laziness why do you love me???
Anyway, maybe I'll find SOMETHING that will turn my motivation level up a couple hundred notches...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My First Time...

My first blog post! Hmmm... well if your curious to know what my future blogs will be about, they'll mainly be about things that happen in my life and some of the thousands of random thoughts i have throughout the day.
They'll be a lot better than this one that's for sure. This is just like my quick little starter-uper!